Make Windows Greet you with a Custom Voice Message at Startup
Hey guys today we will learn how to make your computer greet you on every start up,
Follow the below steps and boom, you are done.
Click on Start.
Navigate to All Programs, Accessories and Notepad.
Copy and paste the exact code given below.
Dim speaks, speech speaks=”Welcome to your PC, Username” Set speech=CreateObject(“sapi.spvoice”) speech.Speak speaks |
Replace Username with your own name.
Click on File Menu, Save As, select All Types in Save as Type option, and save the file as Welcome.vbs or “*.vbs”.
Copy the saved file.
Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (in Windows XP) or to C:\Users\ User-Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (in Windows 7 and Windows Vista) if C: is your System drive.
Paste the file
Same process for windows 8 users too.
Now next tym wen ur pc wil be started it wil welcome u in itz own voice! 😉
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Thanks for sharing this. Technology becomes the teacher.
hey buddy thnxx a lot….it worked perfectly fine ..but i’m kind of bored of it now and i want to disable it!!…sooo how do i do that???
just delete the file from your start up menu.
I Copy Paste It But There’s An Error :/
what error did you receive?
Hey the pc is speaks in male voice how i change it in female voice plz help
In windows 7 you can find female voice but in windows 8 you will only find male voice… Thats my personal experience.!!!!
In my windows 8 when I start my laptop it the welcome thing doesn’t work (i put my laptop in sleep mode, does this affect it?), but when I click on the file (.vbs) then it speaks the message. Should I restart my computer?