How To Fix Common Problems Related To The Mouse
How To Fix Common Problems Related To The Mouse
If you are having problems with the mouse of your computer here the ways and means to solve them:
First Things First: Before you go ahead in trying resolve the issues related to your mouse here are some steps which you will have to do first:
1. Change batteries – If you are having a wireless mouse it is necessary that you replace the batteries. Even your mouse is still showing the red light and also that its lights are on and flashing it need not mean that it’s low on batteries and causing all sorts of other problems.
2. Clean the mouse: For the efficient and proper working of your mouse it becomes necessary that you clean it with a clean cloth in order to eliminate any dust particles which may be affecting its performance.
3. Unplug and plug back in the mouse: If you unplug and plug back your mouse it may fix most of the problems.
Here are some other problems which your mouse can have:
- PROBLEM: Your mouse is not able to move Smoothly
SOLUTION: This can happen if your mouse has any dust in the mouse sensor or even on its surface. You should therefore giver your mouse a thorough cleaning with the help of a clean cloth.
- PROBLEM: The pointer of your mouse freezes
SOLUTION: The reasons for this type of a problem may be because of your computer’s CPU usage. The reason or this is that you are running other programs than from those which are necessary. Here are some steps which can help you to solve your problem.
i) Wait a few seconds: This is a very easy solution and one of the best. On waiting for a few seconds, you will be able to see if the problem is able to resolve itself. If the problem still persists then it is necessary to go in for further investigations.
ii) Close some of the programs: There are lots of computer programs which will be opened in the background even without your knowledge. On analyzing the bottom right of your Windows Desktop you will be able to see if there are any programs still running which you could easily close.
- PROBLEM: Your mouse pointer is running too slow or too fast
SOLUTION: The solution for this problem is a software configuration issue. You can do this by clicking on the Control Panel, then on the Mouse and finally on the Pointer Options Tab. It is here that you are able to alter the speed of the pointer to the level selected by you when you move the slider either up or down until it is comfortably placed.
PROBLEM: Your mouse is giving you a problem with a Double Click
SOLUTION: You can fix this problem by clicking n the Control Panel, then go the mouse and finally to the Buttons tab. It is in this place that you are able to alter the double click speed. You will also be able to test it in order to bring it to a satisfactory click speed level.
If neither of these solutions works then the final option is to purchase another mouse.