Nexus 7 – Complete Review
Now, a year after the introduction of the first Nexus 7, Google has unveiled a revamped version of its mini tablet with better features and a slightly bigger $229 price tag.
Buy now >: Google Nexus 7 FHD Tablet (7-Inch, 16GB, Black) by ASUS (2013)
Starting July 30, this new Nexus 7 is available in a dozen retail outlets including Best Buy, Wal-Mart and Amazon in US but there’s talks about indian arrival of the same.
According to the tests,nexus 7 was sturdy, elegant, responsive device from a company once known primarily for its search prowess.
The most notable difference between this new Nexus 7 and the iPad Mini is screen quality: The Nexus has a resolution of 1920 x 1200 with 323 pixels per inch, and the iPad Mini’s screen resolution is just 1024 x 768 and 163 pixels per inch. It is also slightly lighter than its Apple rival.
So what’s not to like about the new Nexus 7? For one thing, its 7-inch screen isn’t as big as the nearly 8-inch iPad Mini’s. While an inch of difference isn’t remarkable, smartphone screens are growing to over 5 inches, making the Nexus 7 look more like one of those than a tablet.
Another drawback: In the test, the new Nexus 7’s battery life was underwhelming. Compared with the same battery test of the iPad Mini and first Nexus 7, it fell short at just six hours; the others clocked in at 10 hours and 27 minutes and 10 hours and 44 minutes, respectively. Google claims the battery life can last over nine hours, but the company tests it in Airplane mode (Internet connection off), with screen brightness set to 44% while playing video. I keep Wi-Fi on in the background and screen brightness at 75% while playing video.
This new mini tablet comes in two sizes that are Wi-Fi-only: a $229 16-gigabyte model and a $269 32-gigabyte model. A version with a built-in LTE Internet connection on Verizon, AT&T or T-Mobile will be available in coming weeks for $349 with 32 gigabytes. Meanwhile, Apple’s iPad Mini is available in three flavors each of Wi-Fi-only and LTE: 16-, 32– and 64-gigabyte models ranging in price from $329 to $659.
The new Nexus 7 runs Android 4.3, the latest iteration of Google’s Jelly Bean mobile operating system. While not a major upgrade from the last Jelly Bean release in October, it does add a few new features.
One notable extra is Restricted Profiles. Rather than simply giving you the ability to create multiple user accounts for one tablet, Restricted Profiles allow user accounts with preset restrictions on access to apps and content. you can do this by creating a Restricted Profile in Settings, Users, Add User or Profile. then certain apps clearly say “This app can access your accounts,” so you know what you’re turning on or off.
Creating a Restricted Profile requires that the primary tablet owner use a lockscreen, so that other users without full access can’t get to everything else. In addition to limiting what the Restricted Profile can access, specific app settings, such as in-app purchases and age restrictions, can also be tweaked.
Another new Android feature allows users to play games against friends while keeping track of their achievements using Google Play Games. This is a lot like Game Center on Apple’s iOS.
The Nexus 7 also caught up to the iPad Mini in cameras: It now has a built-in rear-facing camera, unlike its predecessor, which only had a front-facing one. Both iPad Mini and new Nexus 7 cameras have the same megapixel counts: 5 megapixels on the rear-facing camera and 1.2 megapixels on the front-facing one. Neither device has a built-in flash.
Snapshots taken by camera are pretty decent
watching movie on such a device will be a great fun due to its full HD resolution and cristal clear display
At only 290 gms, this tablet is lightweight enough to hold for long periods without causing my arm to ache. It’s also easy to prop up on kitchen counters and coffee tables because its back and sides aren’t slippery.
Google’s new Nexus 7 has a lot to offer, if you’re looking for a tiny tablet that packs a punch. If you’re used to a larger tablet screen, its 7-inch screen size might bug you. But for many people, it will make on-the-go gaming, video watching and reading a delightfully portable experience.
Written by: Shubhansh Bothra