The First Thing You Should Do With Your New Android Phones
![The First Thing You Should Do With Your New Android Phones](/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/The-First-Thing-You-Should-Do-With-Your-New-Android-Phones.jpg)
Possessing an android phone in the modern time is really a matter of proud. Keeping the craze of people for android devices and smart phones on mind, it becomes important to tell them that what are the first things they should do with their brand new android phones? Earlier than you become busy playing cool android games in your phone, some special things are there to be carried out. Catching some advance features for your phone, loading up your phone with bloatware and making outstanding decisions regarding default apps is more important than indulging into games. So here is the list of awesome things you should do with the new android phone –
Choose hangout for better messaging
Voicemail messages have become the first preference of people in the modern time but you will not have to listen them if you use Google Voice. As this program works by transcription of your voicemails and save them in hangouts, things become far simpler for you. Hangout is something to offer you instant messaging facility; moreover it is a great way for synchronization of your conversations in case you want to chat on your mobile device and on desktop. Another awesome texting app is Google messenger that works extensively for quick messaging.
Pick the Google Now Launcher
Most of the smart phone manufacturing companies carry out modification using a custom interface which can be complicated, busy and unwanted use of space. If you want to clean this interface, you will require a Google Now Launcher for this purpose. This program does nothing but puts a persistent Google search bar on the home screen and you will get Google only one swipe away now. This program is greatly useful and a clear canvas to add your apps and widgets as per your choice.
Select your music player
It is impossible for an android phone owner to stay away from the craze of music. All the leading music streaming services have launched an android app for exciting experience of listening music. So, you need just to download the app of choice and singing in. this is how you can start listening music through android apps.
Use Google plus for photos backup
So, you want to go away from all those irreplaceable photos you have on your phone? Well, you need nothing but enabling auto backup through Google plus photos. Selecting back up option at full resolution is good idea to secure everything from the original photo regarding quality point of view. Remember, the photo backup uses the 15 GB free space from your Google Drive store. One funny thing to explore about this app is that it automatically merges some of your photos for interesting mash-ups apart from the actual photos.
Use Google chrome for smart browsing
If your new android phone is not using Google Chrome as the default browser, you need nothing but to replace the current browser with Google Chrome. Believe it, nothing can be smarter way of browsing than using the Google Chrome.