Three Easy Ways to Paste Plain Text into Word

In MS Word 2007 and 2003 you cannot paste the copied content easily as a unformatted text. It becomes very hectic as you need to go in the menu option again and again or you may need to separately set a macro and make an individual shortcut for it. With the newer version of M S Word 2010 all the hectic work of copy and paste has been cut through and made easier than ever before. Now it provides you with easy copy pasting option for the unformatted text with the help of the key board. The copy pasting works really becomes a hassle to work specially when copying text from web and pasting it in the older versions of M S Word. When using the latest version of M S Word you need not to worry about the copy pasting problems, the newer version of M S Word gives you the Three Easy Ways to simply paste the copied text in the word sheet.

The Three Easy Ways to Paste the Copied Text into M S Word:

  1. After selecting and copying the needed context, you simply have to press the Ctrl key at the left bottom side of the key board. Along with holding the Ctrl key press the V letter simultaneously. Ctrl+V = for pasting the copied content in the word document in the same way it has been copied from.
  1. Hold and then release the Ctrl key for enabling the paste option in you work sheet of M S Word. Now press the T from your key board to paste the text only.

[Note – While performing the 2 option you’ll be getting four options the key board shortcuts for accessing those are (after pressing the Ctrl):

  1. T – Keep the original text only for the unformatted text.
  2. M- Keep the source formatting
  • K- Merge the formatting
  1. H- Use the destination theme]
  1. Or simply you can hold the left click on the mouse and drag it through the context you want to copy, now right click on the selected content and select the copy option from the list of options. Now open up the M S Word document where you want the text to be copied. After opening the document keep the mouse pointer on the desired destination to paste your context by simply right clicking and selecting the paste option from the list of options shown. With this you will be able to paste the desired context to the suitable place.

These were the simple three ways by which you can easily paste the copied context to the desired location in the latest version of the M S Word. The M S Word as a numerous ways to achieve this function, some more complex than other ways. Previously in the older versions of the M S Word copying text from one document to another Word document was pathetic but with the new and user friendly version of M S Word 2010 serves you the best.

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