How to Use Virtual Desktops on Chrome OS?

As we always say, Google never likes to recede behind so it has lately introduced to its repertoire of Chromebook features, the Virtual Desktop feature.

In general terms, Google calls it Virtual Desks, QUITE FASCINATING..#@!!##$……… But you can consider, it is a Virtual Desktop- a feature which is already present in many major operating systems. And now Google too comes in the same line of credibility.

Back to the main discussion, Virtual Desks mainly partitions your full desktop screen into four multiple workspaces at the most. Here you can organize your various applications and folders, and it would not seem too messy for you have multiple screens to divide the pesky work.

You can switch between the different desktop screens according to your need. It’s pretty simple.

All that you have to do is to update your Chromebook to the latest version of Chrome OS, and this feature will be added to your OS tools collection. Just click the “Overview” key at the top right corner of the home screen and you will see the Virtual Desks option there.

Table of Contents:

  • How to Enable Virtual Desks in Chrome OS
  • How to Add Virtual Desks
  • How to Switch between Multiple Virtual Desks in Chrome OS
  • How to Move Apps between Different Virtual Desks
  • Conclusion

#1: How to Enable Virtual Desks in Chrome OS

As you can already infer from the sub-topic name, the feature is not enabled by default. It just comes along with the upgraded Chrome OS version, but you have to manually activate it before you start you using it.

So when you don’t see the “Virtual Desks” option in the Overview key, don’t freak out. You just need to know how to enable it.

Here comes the guideline, just follow the steps and then it is good to go:

Step 1. Open up “Chrome” and type “chrome://flags” into the Omnibox and press “Enter”. Next type “Virtual Desks” in the search bar and the destination spot will arrive.

How to Use Virtual Desktops on Chrome OS? (1)

NOTE: Avoid the quotes in the code.

You can also type the command “chrome://flags/#enable-virtual-desks” and hit “Enter” to get to the spot directly,

Step 2. Okay, so once you are in there by any of the means mentioned here, click the “drop-down” icon next to the “Enable Virtual Desks” tab.

Step 3. Off the menu that drops down, click “Enabled” to enable it.

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For the modifications to take effect, give your system a restart. This will apply the change you just made.

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#2: How to Add Virtual Desks

Now here comes the next sojourn of how to add the desktop screens. Don’t bother…. Like before, just follow the lead. The step guideline I meant listed below:

Step 1. So once you are sure that you have got the feature working in your Chromebook, just click the “Overview” key to check all the currently operating Windows.

Step 2. At the top right corner of the screen, you will see a “+ New Desk” icon. That is the gateway for creating a new desktop. Just click on the “+” button and a new virtual desktop will be created for you.

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Likewise, you can create three more desks and all of them look as exactly as the real one but with no activities of the real desktop carried over here.

How to Use Virtual Desktops on Chrome OS? (5)

#3: How to Switch between Multiple Virtual Desks in Chrome OS

Why switch? Let me explain. Suppose you have an application running, and you are not willing to exit or minimize it to the tray. So just switch to a new desk and it will remain active in the previously added desk…..

Okay, so whenever you wish to switch between the multiple desks and the activities being conducted within them, there are various ways to perform it.

1st Way: Use Overview Key

This is the direct approach. Just click on the “Overview” key and all the desks will be shown on small screens. Choose the one you want to switch to as long as you know the where the application or the folder is active in particular.

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2nd Way: Use App Icon on Shelf

You see every application that is currently operated in any particular desk has an icon displayed on the shelf.

Just click the particular app icon and you will immediately be snapped to that desktop where the application is running. The app could be minimized. Just click on it and it will be maximized.

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#4: How to Move Apps between Different Virtual Desks

This feature comes handy. A particular application mistakenly opened in the wrong desktop need not be there for the entire time. You can shift it to the required desk without exiting it.

Press the Overview key. Drag the desk where you want to put the app into the middle of the screen and then drag and place the application from the other desktop to recently brought desk in the middle of the screen.

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NOTE: Make sure to drag the application in the middle first. Since Chrome OS imitates the Android, it can kill the app while dragging up or down the sides.


For more convenient access to the Virtual Desks, Google is soon going to launch the keyboard shortcuts. That will reduce the time wasted in dragging applications to desktops, selecting desks from the Overview key, etc.

According to many hidden sources, Google is collaborating with other major operating systems to streamline your Virtual multiple workspaces for more expanded work possibility. It will make work more productive from distant places and you will have a clutter-free life.

Keep coming to our website to check out more such latest update articles.

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