Simple Steps To make your own Antivirus.
The main functioning of Antivirus is to detect and remove harmful or unwanted files which may slowdown your computer and windows. But if you don’t have enough time to download any best antivirus. Then simply use this trick to make your own antivirus.This antivirus scan by using command prompt and delete unwanted files automatically.
Open your Notepad and paste this given code
@echo off
title Antivirus
echo Antivirus
echo created by your name
IF EXIST virus.bat goto infected
IF NOT EXIST virus.bat goto clean
cd C:\Windows\system32
del virus.bat
goto start
echo System secure!
Now save your file with Computerfreaks.bat and select “All files”
Now run your saved files automatically scan starts.
That’s it. Have fun and share it with your friends and families.
all antivirus coading are cool . They remove all virus in my PC
it is detect virus file in same location
thanks it is working for
It just delete virus.bat if it is exist.
it is only detect virus file in same location…..what is a way to detect whole computer????
yeah! this is work correctly but you can make virus also.its language tips for you
This might work for the names you know in a directory you know but how is it going to scan a system and look for embedded problems whose name you don’t know ?
An antivirus program needs to look for particular code inside other packages and look for known patterns of code that are hidden.
Have some marks for effort but please don’t rely on this to protect a system from harm. Remember, virus programmers are some of the best in the world and naïve attempts like this will only foil the most basic of problems.
Thanks, it is working for me 🙂
It Says press any key to continue , after pressing any key it just dis appear .
Please suggest ,
Thank’s a lot u make easy to make an antivirus. I was thunk that it was very tough but now i am thinking its so easy.
But after making this i have to updated every time with latest virus.
Man this is awesome this thing works like F***ing Hellfire. I really appreciate you giving this code to us (the people). Thank you.
hi! I was asked to develop an antivirus for a particular virus. I’m confused in selecting a virus.which virus is suitable to develop an antivirus in java.Anyone please give me some idea’s about virus and which will be better. And how to start with an antivirus
i like this work its easy and simple
can you tell me what’s programming language used ?
this is a great work thank you very much
may i ask what the name of language used ?
I am an engineer… but never thought that making an antivirus would be so simple… great work.
It was easy to make… thank you for such a simple and easy following article.
how to identify it works
just create a empty file in notepad,save it as virus.bat, then run the admin’s program,the admin given code works only if the virus is present in the same folder as the admin’s antivirus program saved,it does not detect if the virus was in other drives or folders…
its workingg…………..try it out….!!!!!!!!!!
It’s working
Actually it should be
IF NOT EXIST Trojan.Flame.A goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST Trojan.Ransom.IcePol goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST Exploit.CVE-2011-3402.Gen goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST Backdoor.IRCBot.Dorkbot.A goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST Backdoor.Lavandos.A goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST Trojan.Android.Geinimi.A goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST Java.Trojan.Downloader.OpenConnection.AI goto
IF NOT EXIST Java.Backdoor.ReverseBackdoor.A goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST Win32.Ramnit.G goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST Trojan.Spy.Ursnif.F goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST Win32.Worm.Stuxnet.A goto statistics
IF EXIST Trojan.Flame.A goto statistics
IF EXIST Trojan.Ransom.IcePol goto statistics
IF EXIST Exploit.CVE-2011-3402.Gen goto statistics
IF EXIST Backdoor.IRCBot.Dorkbot.A goto statistics
IF EXIST Backdoor.Lavandos.A goto statistics
IF EXIST Trojan.Android.Geinimi.A goto statistics
IF EXIST Java.Trojan.Downloader.OpenConnection.AI goto statistics
IF EXIST Java.Backdoor.ReverseBackdoor.A goto statistics
IF EXIST Win32.Ramnit.G goto statistics
IF EXIST Trojan.Spy.Ursnif.F goto statistics
IF EXIST Win32.Worm.Stuxnet.A goto statistics
and there should be a
echo Statistics:
echo No viruses left
echo Your computer is safe
goto exit
If you need a somewhat updated list just use the one below i obtained this from a friend.
Sorry if it still sucks lol
@echo off
title Antivirus
echo Antivirus
echo Created by *enter your name*
IF EXIST pathoengs.bat goto infected2
IF EXIST pathoengs.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST pathoengs goto infected2
IF EXIST trojan.bat goto infected2
IF EXIST trojan.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST trojan goto infected2
IF EXIST virus.bat goto infected2
IF EXIST virus.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST virus goto infected2
IF EXIST hack.bat goto infected2
IF EXIST hack.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST hack goto infected2
IF EXIST spyware.bat goto infected2
IF EXIST spyware.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST spyware goto infected2
IF EXIST wormvirus.bat goto infected2
IF EXIST wormvirus.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST wormvirus goto infected2
IF EXIST !readme.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST !update.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST hsr.dll goto infected2
IF EXIST sain.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST sau.dll goto infected2
IF EXIST sauhook.dll goto infected2
IF EXIST getst.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST main.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST plugin.dll goto infected2
IF EXIST 5whgue21.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST ACMConfig.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST ACMDLL.dll goto infected2
IF EXIST ACMService.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST zsHook.dll goto infected2
IF EXIST actik.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST akeylogger.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST activitykeyloggerhidden.dll goto infected2
IF EXIST alaware.dll goto infected2
IF EXIST alogcfg.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST alogger.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST alsys.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST Stuxnet.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST Conficker.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST agent.btz goto infected2
IF EXIST Zeus.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST PoisonIvy.exe goto infected2
IF EXIST Trojan.Flame.A goto infected2
IF EXIST Trojan.Ransom.IcePol goto infected2
IF EXIST Exploit.CVE-2011-3402.Gen goto infected2
IF EXIST Backdoor.IRCBot.Dorkbot.A goto infected2
IF EXIST Backdoor.Lavandos.A goto infected2
IF EXIST Trojan.Android.Geinimi.A goto infected2
IF EXIST Java.Trojan.Downloader.OpenConnection.AI goto infected2
IF EXIST Java.Backdoor.ReverseBackdoor.A goto infected2
IF EXIST Win32.Ramnit.G goto infected2
IF EXIST Trojan.Spy.Ursnif.F goto infected2
IF EXIST Win32.Worm.Stuxnet.A goto infected2
IF NOT EXIST pathoengs.bat goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST pathoengs.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST pathoengs goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST trojan.bat goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST trojan.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST trojan goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST virus.bat goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST virus.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST virus goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST hack.bat goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST hack.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST hack goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST spyware.bat goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST spywars.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST spyware goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST wormvirus.bat goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST wormvirus.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST wormvirus goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST !readme.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST !update.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST hsr.dll goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST sain.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST sau.dll goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST sauhook.dll goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST getst.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST main.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST plugin.dll goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST 5whgue21.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST ACMConfig.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST ACMDLL.dll goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST ACMService.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST zsHook.dll goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST actik.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST akeylogger.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST activitykeyloggerhidden.dll goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST alaware.dll goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST alogcfg.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST alogger.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST alsys.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST Stuxnet.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST Conficker.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST agent.btz goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST Zeus.exe goto statistics
IF NOT EXIST PoisonIvy.exe goto statistics
IF EXIST Trojan.Flame.A goto statistics
IF EXIST Trojan.Ransom.IcePol goto statistics
IF EXIST Exploit.CVE-2011-3402.Gen goto statistics
IF EXIST Backdoor.IRCBot.Dorkbot.A goto statistics
IF EXIST Backdoor.Lavandos.A goto statistics
IF EXIST Trojan.Android.Geinimi.A goto statistics
IF EXIST Java.Trojan.Downloader.OpenConnection.AI goto statistics
IF EXIST Java.Backdoor.ReverseBackdoor.A goto statistics
IF EXIST Win32.Ramnit.G goto statistics
IF EXIST Trojan.Spy.Ursnif.F goto statistics
IF EXIST Win32.Worm.Stuxnet.A goto statistics
cd C:\Windows\system32
echo A Virus has been detected
set /p n=Delete?(y/n)
If %n% == y del pathoengs.bat del pathoengs.exe del pathoengs del virus.bat del trojan.bat del trojan.exe del trojan del virus.exe del virus del hack.bat del hack.exe del hack del spyware.bat del spyware.exe del spyware del wormvirus.bat del wormvirus.exe del wormvirus del !readme.exe del !update.exe del hsr.dll del sain.exe del sau.dll del sauhook.dll del getst.exe del main.exe del plugin.dll del 5whgue21.exe del ACMConfig.exe del ACMDLL.dll del ACMService.exe del zsHook.dll del actik.exe del akeylogger.exe del activitykeyloggerhidden.dll del alaware.dll del alogcfg.exe del alogger.exe del alsys.exe del Stuxnet.exe del Conficker.exe del agent.btz del Zeus.exe del PoisonIvy.exe del Trojan.Flame.A del Trojan.Ransom.IcePol del Exploit.CVE-2011-3402.Gen del Backdoor.IRCBot.Dorkbot.A del Backdoor.Lavandos.A del Trojan.Android.Geinimi.A del Java.Trojan.Downloader.OpenConnection.AI del Java.Backdoor.ReverseBackdoor.A del Win32.Ramnit.G del Trojan.Spy.Ursnif.F del Win32.Worm.Stuxnet.A
If %n% == n goto exit
i meant is it okay for you to fix… sorry
.bat only iiiish
This antivirus just need a bit of modification, if u know the name of the virus u want to remove from ur computer, u just need to change where it says virus.bat to ur virus name.
I did that and it removed all the files with the name I entered.
hi hello every one……………
i am planning to develop one new antivirus….
but one thing i dont know which are the subjets is related to that……….. so plz help me this situation
Shit ya!
bullshit it will just detect a singular batch programmed file named “virus”
Stop hating. If you know anything about batch scripts, you would create your own.
Fake anti virus, this is only for virus.bat but what about the rest of million VIRUS
This comment has been removed by the author.
Can we make it look lile any other a-v in the market please reply on my blog
Not effective
How to change its colour
It can delete all other virus files too…. just u have to do is search the internet for the names of list of names of latest viruses and instead of writing virus.bat in this code “IF EXIST virus.bat goto infected
IF NOT EXIST virus.bat goto clean” u have to copy & paste all the names of the viruses and malware and all in this list & u’ll get ur brand new antivirus…….
Baby Geeks don’t need to search the internet
Thats true Vishal Singh
I have made a website that I uploaded a files to called version.bat and list.bat. I have a custom batch command that can go online and grab files. I have set up a batch file that can start the custom command and make it download the new files so when you type 1 for 1) Update Anti-Virus it will start the custom command download the files and replace the old list.bat file with the new list of viruses then it renames the old anti-virus to the next version by collecting the information from version.bat file. So now all I have to do is start Anti-virus.bat and scan. Everyday I have a new virus I found I can put it in the websites hosted file list.bat and then update the anti-virus.bat. Lots of hard work but in the end you may be able to help you and your friends stay secure.
Fake … it only deletes virus.bat file … Only a fool man gives a virus named virus.bat … lol
i agree
yeah lol 🙂
You’re right!
You are supposed to replace virus.bat with the name of the virus files (e.g. Sobig.exe)
You idiot… stop hating and replace virus.bat with things like “1002.exe” or “melissa.doc”. Besides, if you knew anything about batch scripts, you would probably do something like this:
@echo off
title Antivirus
echo /———————–\
echo +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
echo Antivirus created by
echo +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
echo Your Name
echo +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
echo \———————–/
echo Press any key to scan!
echo Scanning…
if exist virus.bat goto infected1
if exist virus.exe goto infected2
if exist 1002.exe goto lethal1
if exist melissa.doc goto lethal2
if exist iloveyou.doc goto lethal3
if not exist virus.bat goto clean
if not exist virus.exe goto clean
if not exist virus.doc goto clean
if not exist 1002.exe goto clean
if not exist melissa.doc goto clean
if not exist iloveyou.doc goto clean
cd C:\Windows\system32
echo Warning! Virus detected!
echo Cleaning…
del virus.bat
echo Cleaned!
goto start
goto clean
echo Warning! Virus detected!
echo Cleaning…
del virus.exe
echo Cleaned!
goto start
goto clean
echo Warning, lethal virus detected!
echo Cleaning…
del 1002.exe
echo Cleaned!
goto start
goto clean
echo Warning, lethal virus detected!
echo Cleaning…
del melissa.doc
echo Cleaned!
goto start
goto clean
echo Warning, lethal virus detected!
echo Cleaning…
del iloveyou.doc
echo Cleaned!
goto start
goto clean
echo System secure!
what happened now? it just disappeared whenever i run the program.
thats what I’m talking/ same friend/ non of use just a freak
it works fool save it under the encoding ANSI then your good to go
i believe in order for it to work you edit the file by also putting your name in there where it says your name end turning @echo off to on
I like this Antivirus .this antivirus is easy to make and this protect is very useful to our computer.
i got it tooo working cool
It treats the antivirus as a virus…
which anti-virus is the best for laptops
I recommend Quickheal Total security which is the best…i am using it from 10 yers+