IOS VS Android

IOS VS Android

The most common types of operating systems for smart phone these days are android and iOS. The tablets or phones designed by Google use android which is a Linux based operating system. IOS on the other hand is an operating system which has been designed by Apple Inc.


History of Android and iOS

Initially, Android Inc was an individual company which was bought by Google in the year 2005. Google then sold their first ever Android phone in the year 2008. iOS was released in the year 2007 for iphone. Initially, the 3rd party feature was not supported by it.


The operating systems, android and iOS are very user friendly and an open source operating system. The licence is released by Google. It is the most widely used platforms to obtain the operating system. There are a lot of companies which make Android phone. The top companies in them are Samsung, Blackberry, HTC, Sony and Nokia. These smart phones have a market of over seventy five percent of the whole market and the total number of devices which support android is seventy five million. The current android version which is available is 4.2 and it keeps updating every now and then.

On the other hand, thirty one percent of the smart phones are from apple and support iOS. Any non apple device cannot use the operating system and it is against the law to steal it. None of the non-apple devices have the right to use iOS. It is not possible to install iOS on any other device. Apple has recently launched its new iOS which is iOS 7.


There is a lot of features which are offered by Android as well as iOS. The camera capabilities of android are the best you can find along with the voice mail and live effects which are provided by the operating system, Android. The web browsing is also very good and the games are also very engrossing. IOS is also equally good and has always delivered the best ever since it was launched. The features and specifications of this operating system are also commendable and its features like safari face time, Siri etc. are very common making it the most wanted operating systems. The new iOS also has recently launched finger print recognizer for its new phone, iPhone 5c.

The market of android has been spread at a great degree in Europe and the market of apple is in the North America. The smart phone industry has been working with the help of these operating systems and they rule the market indeed. But if you actually look at it, Android is preferred more than iOS. The popularity of iOS is also no less, but people prefer to buy android when it comes to buying it. Both the operating system has been a symbol of developing technology and modernity which areĀ  making it easier for the smart phone users to have an access to whatever they want.

3 thoughts on “IOS VS Android

  • April 30, 2015 at 8:23 am

    1.ANDROID looks way better than the iOS (in design)
    2.Android is available on multiple device like SAMSUNG , LG , DELL , LENOVO , HTC and hundreds of more , while the iOS is only available on APPLE based devices , iPAD , iPHONE and iPod touch only .
    3.ANDROID LOGO LOOKS BETTER , (ROBOT) WHILE iOS is just an apple .
    4. The new Google nexus has better gaming performance and better design than iphones . (sri is only Best thing in Iphone)

  • September 14, 2014 at 8:16 am

    OMG! Black Berry is also committing in Android, fingerprint detector exists in 5c, this is horrible

  • December 11, 2013 at 9:45 am

    iOS is the best mobile Operating System in the world


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