How to Use Whatsapp on PC for Windows and Mac
Guys as you know Whatsapp is the most Popular Messanger available in the Market for Mobile Phones.Unfortunately if you dont own a Smart phone then you might not be able to use whatsapp. But don’t worry today we Will learn How to use Whatsapp On PC as well.
You can Use it On both Windows and Mac.
You can Use it On both Windows and Mac.
Let us See How to Use Whatsapp On Windows and Mac PC.
To Run Whatsapp on Pc, We will Require Android Emulator, Android Emulator Helps us to Run Whatsapp on PC.
Step 1: Youwave And Bluestack Are the Two Android Emulator which enable us to Run Whatsapp or any other Android App on PC.
Step 2: If you Go for Bluestack then Download and install it, then run the Bluestack and Click
on ” Apps “
Then Click on the Tab ” Social ” and select ” Whatsapp ” and Install it.
Step 3: If you Go for Youwave which I am Using On My PC then just download and install.
Now download Whatsapp.apk and move the downloaded file to PC directory.
To Check PC’s Directory, Open Youwave click on help > Instruction. Now move your
whatsapp.apk file in to that directory . Then Click on View then Redraw Icons.
Now You will see Whatsapp icon .
After Installing Whatsapp on Youwave or Bluestack you have to enter Mobile number which is not used earlier For Whatsapp account. Then they will take 5 Minutes to verify and will send you Code.
Enter that code and thats all.
Enter that code and thats all.
Note : You won’t Have any Contact, You have to manually Enter Contacts and Save them.
I hope This tutorial will help you .
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Enjoy !
Working Fine,Its Very Helpful Post. Keep posting such good Useful Information
Nice it’s solve my biggest problem. now i follow your post and installed whatsapp in my pc\
Just bought MAC couple of days back, and was looking for the same, i knew about windows but not about MAC. Thanks.
Guys,If u install bluestacks,PC speed will reduce.
Your article on WhatsApp is great. This is a great news that we can also use WhatsApp on our PC also. You have provide great steps how to use WhatsApp on PC. Thanks for sharing such a nice article on WhatsApp.
You cannot use Whatsapp on mobile after that. Whatsapp can only be used on a single device at a time. Hell Whatsapp… !
i have install bluestack but i can’t able to share pc file on whats app.. what to do?
I have downloaded youware and whatsapp.apk and is showing it in the list but when i go to whatsapp it says unfortunately whatsapp has stopped. what to do ?
Did you give the software admin privilege?
yeah it work, but as I am using my laptop ,how can I get files import from my laptop through youwave
I am afraid you cant do that.
wen am trying to add contacts…its showing “unable to connect to server” ….what should i do??
You need add contact manually.
mahn,,i have downloaded youwave but my trail period is over,,and asking to purchase activation key,,what to do,,should i buy it or what,,,please help me out
Reply – See more at: /2013/04/how-to-use-whatsapp-on-pc-for-windows.html#sthash.bcfeJDld.dpuf
mahn,,i have downloaded youwave but my trail period is over,,and asking to purchase activation key,,what to do,,should i buy it or what,,,please help me out
dis post / article has helped me. I recomend dis post / article 2 ppl who want 2 download whatsapp for pc.
I have installed youwave. when i want to instal whatsapp, i am being told that it requires cellular internet connection. Can’t i use ethernet connectio?
Hey now u can transfer ur mobile contacts very easily…to Bluestack…Just e-mail u r contacts to u r own mail then download it …and open it with Bluestack using contacts app which u will get at Google play …
how do you save files that are sent to you on whatsapp when your using the pc version?
Android OS not ready .. this message is apearing .. again again
I have tried to install what’s app messenger on my computer rather laptop but it’s very slow and asking for win xp sp 3 and minimum of 2 GB RAM, not sure if my comment is relevant and can get a reply/solution
great postyou have here, i have tried a lot of tutorials from different sites about whatsapp but your still stands out.
Thanks a lot
how 2 add contacts???
You will have to add Contacts Manually..
could u please help with the key for youwave or any link from where i can download full version of youwave.
but when i try to install an app , it is asking for mail id associated with the android device. i dont have an android device. what should i do! pls help
i am using windows 8 it can be run on this
cool . its really work
why is my video files converted to exe files, i can still play it ?
working fine for me in win 7 32bit
is it work with xp sp-2
blue stack is not running.:(
Bluestack has a problem of Graphic Card. Doesnt Work in some Pc. Go for YOUWAVE.
I have down loaded YOuwave, and installed it but I am getting black screen on the right side
If you have less than 2GB RAM than it can not run.
No It only works on higher versions of Windows 7 sp 1
how to add contacts for sending msgs?? manual adding process does not allow sending messages ……am using blue stacks