How to send Gmail attachments to Dropbox automatically

The temptation of using Gmail storage limit as a warehouse for storing all the email attachments becomes unbearable many times. Processing the daily influx of messages from colleagues, clients and friends takes long time for saving every attachment manually. Well, you can opt for the idea of creating an automated workflow that will send Gmail attachments to dropbox automatically. Here is the way to send attached files of your mails directly to drop box –


First step

Before proceeding towards the process, you will have to make a new folder in the dropbox account so that all the Gmail attachments can be saved there. You might have been bearing a folder already still it is good to create a new one to keep your mails discrete.

Second step

Register yourself for using your Google account after downloading and installing extension.

Third step

Now, be ready to experience the automatic function of this extension for integration with your Gmail inbox; it will further monitor attachments of mails. You will have to connect both the services, and dropbox together to meet your goal of saving all the attachments of the mail in dropbox. For connecting both the services, you need to click on the button and select ‘manage cloud services’.

Fourth step

Now set up a rule for incoming attachments in dropbox account. To do this, you need to click upon the button and select the ‘Manage rules’ option.

Fifth step

In order to create a new rule, you need nothing but selet the type of file you require to send to dropbox and folder where you want to send files. Also, don’t forget selecting the new folder that you have created earlier for sending the mails.

Sixth step

Now, you have created the rule; save it. Now onwards, whenever you will get a new mail, the attachment of the file will move towards the dropbox folder automatically. In this way, you will find it easier to manage your attachments.

In order to test whether this idea is working or not, you can send an email to yourself having a thatched file in it. Then check your dropbox folder, if you see the attachment there means the processing is going on well.

If you want to save email and attachment from outlook to Dropbox, you should simply open the file ‘install instructions’. If outlook is open in your computer, just close it; then extract contents of zip file. Now you need execution of .msi file and follow the process of installation. Now open outlook and checkout for plugin on ribbon bar. Configuration is the last step that you need to do.

You can find some alternative ways also in internet t connect your Google account with dropbox, but this is the best and the cheapest way of saving all your attachments safely in dropbox. This is how, your inbox will not be messy and you can organize attached files easily. So, are you ready to connect your mail account with dropbox now?

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