Use Unit Convertor and Calculator all-in-one
Open Apps with your Voice
This app is a very wonderful app and very helpful as well in making your time easy and simple. There are several recognizable voice commands, which will perform many different functions. A few functions like creating a reminder or setting a timer can also be done very easily and within a very short span of time. It’s probably one of the easiest and quickest ways to get information or data using your voice.
Sync your App Folder
This chrome app is also a very useful app. Just like any Smartphone or other devices, Chromes app launchers also allows it users to go for drag and drop feature for favorite app to the desired location or folder for the quicker and tidier approach. This app is quite interesting and useful as well. It helps the user in the synchronization of app folder.
This app is easy in handling and also very simple to use. You can easily enable this app by just typing flag in the command box. So, go for this app and make your life simpler and easier.
Tricks for Opening Apps
Well, this app is another interesting app. When you right-click, there are several options that appears on the screen. You can select those options and can perform many tasks as well. Just by right clicking, you can delete any app permanently or you can disable some app for some time or on temporarily basis. This app tells you about many hidden secret t use apps. You also type app in the chrome box and get the app of your choice. So, this app is also very useful that simplifies your daily routine task to a great extent.
Go for Built-in Search Button
If you want to search some website on the internet, instead of opening a new tab every time, it is much better to click Search button and start typing. The Chrome will suggest you many sites from bookmark, favorites and auto-Google suggestions. Besides this, you can also perform many things by using the power of Search button.
So, these are the most popular chrome launcher app tricks that help in speeding the day to day task in a great way.
Stay tuned!