How to build a Kid’s Desktop PC

On your Desktop PC you want to upload photos or see scores on the And for kid’s you have to build a Kid’s Desktop PC to improve their computer skills. The components of the kid’s PC are very inexpensive except the motherboard. The motherboard is easily upgraded into a new kid’s CPU with a little more power. The motherboard GA-P55-UD6 is of GB and has socket 1156 which would handle the CPU. The new CPU’s are Intel Core i3, i5, i7etc. The advantages of the motherboard are DDR3 speed Memory, PCI slots, 10 USB ports includes 2 USB ports along with the Ethernet, audio ports and the optical ports. For the kids CPU, Intel Core i3 is much better and inexpensive compared with the Intel Core i5 and i7. To build a Kid’s Desktop PC is very simple and inexpensive at $89 only. The parts and the prices of each part are as follows:-
1). Case: Red color race car case is $69.00
2). CPU: i3-530 Intel Core CPU is $113
3). Motherboard: GA-P55-UD6 is $230
4).Graphics Card: HD 5450 is $50
5).Optical Drive: On 24X Internal Drive is $38.99
6). Memory Card: Corsair 4GB is $119
7). Operating System: MS Windows 7 is $199.99
8). Hard Disk: WD Caviar 7200rpm is $40
9). Learning Keyboard: $29.95
The following steps are used to build a kid’s Desktop PC are:-
Step1 Open side case and on the flat surface set that case.
Step2 Now, insert or set the motherboard.
Step3 Then, install the CPU and move the socket lever sidewise, then increase it up to 90 degree. Slightly, streak up the chip and take lever down and CPU is held then locked it.
Step4 On the Chip placed a blob of paste then it conducts heat and raise cooling by filling spaces between the heat sink and the CPU.
Step5 On the top of the CPU install the Cooler or fan and trim it on the motherboard.
Step6 After that insert RAM. According to your Memory you can use memory slots. Once the RAM components are connected then you cannot put again.
Step7 Power supply is installed.
Step8 Place the motherboard and screwed it tight.
Step9 Take the transitory face plates from the front panel case.
Step10 Install the Hard Disk (HD) and graphics card.
Step11 In the front of the case, slide the optical disk.
Step12 All the hardware is installed then starts wiring. On the motherboard there are 20 pins sockets and connected with the power supply. There are four pin sockets in the CPU also connected with power socket. Now connects all the wires with the external port of the USB also with the display status, lights and the jack audio to the motherboard. Connect this entire thing with internal disk also.
Step13 Finally, all the hardware is successfully done or assembles. Then you are ready to install the operating system like Window XP or window 7 and use them.