How to open RAR or Zip files

RAR or Zip files are usually known as a pack of data compressed in a single file. So, let’s just say you have 20 documents but you want to find them in a single place, then you can simply select all the 20 documents and send them to compressed zip files. Also, one of the upside of compressing files is that the size of the net documents will be reduced significantly.

But many users encounter an issue with opening a RAR or ZIP files when they format their computer and re-install operating system all over again. In that case, you will just see those compressed RAR files as white document which won’t open with any default program available on your PC. That’s why, in this tutorial we will show you how to open RAR or ZIP files and unpack them on your local hard drive which is also called extracting data from zipped files.

Method #1: With the help of WinRAR

WinRAR is a free RAR file extractor that helps to unzip compressed files. It has a premium version as well for advanced features but the free version will just get the trick done fabulously as well.

Step 1. Firstly, download WinRAR on your Windows computer. It is available on both 32-bit as well as 64-bit, so make sure to get the correct version.

Step 2. Install the program on your PC by reading the terms and conditions of the program.

Step 3. You should notice that all the RAR or ZIP files will now have the default icon of WinRAR program.

Go ahead and double click on any of your RAR files and it should open normally now. To extract any data from the RAR files, you simply need to drag and drop the files on your local driver. Easy as that.

Method #2: With the help of 7-Zip

7-Zip is another free RAR extractor program that helps to unzip or zip any data on your computer. 7-Zip and WinRAR are similar programs, so you need to pick your favorite and get started with it. Here’s how to use 7-Zip –

Step 1. Download and install 7-Zip on your Windows computer. It is also available with the latest Windows 10.

Step 2. Once the program is installed, just like WinRAR, all the zipped and compressed files will show the default 7-Zip icon.

Step 3. Open any RAR files and you will be able to preview all the files inside it. Simply drag and drop the files from the RAR to your local drive.

That’s it. This is how easy it is to open RAR or Zip files on Windows computer. Hopefully, you guys liked this article and don’t forget to share it with your friends and families.

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