7 steps for archiving your files for Posterity
Step 1: Pick file formats with staying power
There should be specific formats in which you should save your archival files. You must select a format which is widely used and readable by many current programs. You must take a program that can display JPGs and to find such program is not a big deal as these are probably being around from longer time period. You can also search for a format that supports PDF, DOCX, MP3, MP4, and MOV. The best solution could be to save the same files in multiple formats so that it can be run on any format.
Step 2: Don’t encrypt
Save your credit card details as you need not to encrypt these informations and passwords, not your family photos. It could be hard enough for your family member to find and open the files without a password.
Step 3: Store archival files on your main drive
Always keep your files on the main storage unit in your computer and not on any hard drive, an SSD, or something more advanced storage device. At the time of upgrading your system or buying a new PC, you need to transfer all your data including your archival files. This will ensure that your file will always be saved in the older drive.
Step 4: Set files to read-only
When Designating files get read-only it adds a layer of protection against accidental deleting or overwriting precious data. To make your archived files read-only.
Right-click the folder containing them and then select Properties, Now checks Read-only. When you get read only then click OK or click on the Apply option given in the dialog. Now you have to select, click on Apply changes to this folder, subfolders, and files.
Step 5: Make your archives part of your regular backup
it is advisable to Back up regularly, and ensure that the folders containing archival material have a regular backup routine, in case you don’t have a regular back up routine then it is recommended that you should start a regular backup routine to protect your files.
Step 6: Burn files to optical discs, but choose the right discs
As we all know that CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs have some great archival advantages. They come with the write-once option and you cannot erase or overwrite a file. Indeed, you can make multiple copies inexpensively and easily. With writable optical discs the only problem is that, they aren’t very stable, after a few years they all become unreadable.
It is better to use M-Discs. They also have the possibility to get damaged but test has proven that it lives longer than the other discs. To burn M-Discs you need a drive that supports this Disc type, but any normal drive can read them.
Step 7: Make sure loved ones know about these files
It is important that your loved once do know and understand these files types.