How to Check RAM Type in Windows 7?
RAM is generally the acronym for RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY. Clearly, it indicates that it can store the randomly accessed memory or information that are necessary for running various programs on the system.
But it is important to know that RAM can store any piece of information as long as the system is on. When the system is turned off, it will lose all the randomly stored data.
Now the common question is why you need to know the type of your RAM. Well, on a precise scale, it will tell you about the processing speed of your PC and you can apprehend what better option you can opt for RAM to increase the speed furthermore.
Here in this article, we would provide two basic tricks to help you know your PC’s RAM type in Windows 7.
Trick #1: Use CMD to Know RAM type in Windows 7
CMD, commonly abbreviated for command prompt, we all know helps to coordinate any task with the help of certain commands.
Though it is risky to use if you are not adept with command lines, yet very powerful if you know how to.
The steps for the trick to follow are:
Step 1. Press “Windows logo + R” and “Run” search panel will open up at the bottom left corner of the home screen.
Step 2. Enter “cmd” and click “Ok”.
Step 3. As soon as the black dialogue box pops up, enter the command recommended below:
“wmic MEMORYCHIP get BankLabel, Capacity, DeviceLocator, MemoryType, TypeDetail, Speed”
Now the output of the command will brief you about the number of installed RAMs, their capacity, speed, type, etc.
But here in this section we only want to know the RAM type.
For this look under the output column “MemoryType” and you will find few numbers. Each number represents a particular type of RAM. The list of numbers and the corresponding RAM they represent are given below:
- 0 = Unknown
- 1 = Other
- 2 = DRAM
- 3 = Synchronous DRAM
- 4 = Cache DRAM
- 5 = EDO
- 6 = EDRAM
- 7 = VRAM
- 8 = SRAM
- 9 = RAM
- 10 = ROM
- 11 = Flash
- 12 = EEPROM
- 13 = FEPROM
- 14 = EPROM
- 15 = CDRAM
- 16 = 3DRAM
- 17 = SDRAM
- 18 = SGRAM
- 19 = RDRAM
- 20 = DDR
- 21 = DDR2
- 22 = DDR2 FB-DIMM
- 24 = DDR3—May not be available; see note above.
- 25 = FBD2
Trick #2: Use Third-Party Tool to Know RAM Type
This is a very direct and smooth approach towards knowing the RAM type. Here we would make use of a free third party utility to know the RAM type.
The steps for the method are detailed below:
Step 1. Firstly, go to CPUID and download the freeware CPU-Z software on your PC:
Step 2. Install the program and launch it with admin privileges if possible.
Step 3. The software will do a quick scan of your PC and will display all the details of your PC. The detailed are organized into convenient tabs.
Step 4. Next, go to the “Memory” tab, and all the information of RAM, that is RAM type, frequency, size, NB frequency, etc. will be displayed.
Both the above methods are easy to work out on how to check RAM type in Windows 7, but if you have poor internet connectivity, the first method using cmd will be more appropriate.
On a manual scale, you can also check the RAM type by opening the CPU cabinet and excavating out the RAM from its slot to check its type in case none of the trick works. But surely it would be hectic so mostly avoided by users.